
Welcome to TherapySouth Homewood! Our clinic offers a variety of services and treatments to promote healing and strength on your journey to wellness. We accept all patients, regardless of whether they have been referred by a doctor or not.

New patients are encouraged to stop by our clinics any time to take a look around and make sure you are comfortable with our facility and staff.

Clinic Director – Lisa Bor, PT, OCS, CLT

Office Coordinators – LaKeisha Pruitt


TherapySouth 1280 Columbiana Rd, Homewood, AL 35216, United States


fax: 205.968.1285


M-Th: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. F: 7 a.m.-5 p.m.

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Orthopedic dysfunction


Hand therapy

Pelvic floor dysfunction
Women’s and men’s health
Postural restoration
Musculoskeletal concerns of the peri-natal/OB patient

-Pelvic girdle dysfunction
-Diastasis Rectus Abdominus

-Episiotomy pain
-Nerve palsies

Exercise design utilizing yoga and Pilates
Pre- and post-operative abdomino-pelvic, urological, gynecological and colo-rectal surgeries
Urinary and fecal incontinence
Pudendal nerve entrapment and pudendal neuralgia
Leg length discrepancies
Dry Needling for Trigger Points

LSVT Big & Loud