Meet Our Senior Clinical Specialists

Clinical leadership at TherapySouth may not always follow the traditional route. While many physical therapists aspire to become directors, some prefer increased clinical opportunities without the tasks of clinic management. At TherapySouth, a professional development pathway for physical or occupational therapists is the Senior Clinical Specialist (SCS) role. This role acknowledges leaders in our practice while providing them greater opportunities to excel in teaching, continuing education, and marketing responsibilities.


In an attempt to gain a better understanding of their background and roles, we conducted a series of interviews with our current Senior Clinical Specialists.


First up, let’s meet Daniel Temple, PT, DPT. Daniel received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and is a Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. You can find him treating patients at our Hoover Hwy 150/S. Shades Crest clinic.

1. How long have you worked for TherapySouth?  

I have worked for TherapySouth since January 2011. 

2. Why PT?

Initially, I was interested in becoming a sports medicine physician.  During my sophomore year in college, I discovered physical therapy.  PT was appealing to me because of the ability to build strong relationships with patients, use my vocation as a platform for ministry, and have an active job with a good work/family balance. 

3. Describe for me your role as a Senior Clinical Specialist. What differentiates it from a Staff Physical Therapist?  

There are different forms of leadership within our practice.  One of the most obvious tracts to leadership is becoming a clinic director.  Though it is possible to serve as a CD and be a SCS, the SCS recognizes me as a leader within our practice, but allows me to utilize my gifts of teaching/mentoring.  As I have developed as a clinician, I have learned that I enjoy mentoring PT students and new graduates.  The SCS allows me to use some of these skills to lead in-services for clinicians, teach full-day seminars which can be applied towards CEUs, mentor residents participating in TherapySouth’s residency program, as well as serve in a consulting role for UAB’s PT orthopedic lab. 

4. What is your favorite part of the role or what are you most looking forward to?  

If you asked me as a new graduate what is something you would dread doing, I would probably tell you that leading an all-day seminar would be one of those things.  Earlier this year, I was invited to teach an all-day seminar on IASTM in clinical practice.  Though it was a lot of work, I found it extremely rewarding and energizing to be able to share knowledge with other clinicians that will be useful in improving outcomes with their patients.  Working with other clinicians to help them learn and refine skills is what I look forward to most in this new position. 

To learn more about Daniel, click here.


Next, we have Katie Stevens, OTRL, CHT. Katie received her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in 2015. She became a Certified Hand Therapist in 2022 furthering her knowledge and skill within hand therapy. Katie currently sees patients at our Pell City clinic. 

1. How long have you worked for TherapySouth?  

7 years 

2. Why OT/Hand Therapy?  

In high school, I shadowed outpatient PT and OT/hand therapy, and I was immediately drawn to hand therapy because I could see real-time improvements in function and independence. Our hands play a significant role in everything- from taking care of ourselves and our families to performing work duties and participating in hobbies. To me, hand therapy is one of the most rewarding professions! 

3. Describe for me your role as a Senior Clinical Specialist. What differentiates it from a Staff Hand Therapist?   

In addition to maintaining a normal patient caseload, I also help with planning/managing in-house continuing education opportunities and reporting. I help TherapySouth and our Director of Hand Therapy orient new hires as well as market our services and participate in community outreach activities at local OT programs. As our team grows, I help answer daily clinical questions, including protocols, patient care, documentation, etc. 

4. What is your favorite part of the role or what are you most looking forward to?  

My favorite part of this role has been the increased opportunities to promote hand therapy within the community and help assess and plan ways for our team to grow and strengthen our clinical skills. 

To learn more about Katie, click here.



Lastly, let’s meet our newest Senior Clinical Specialist, Stephen Owenby, PT, DPT. Stephen received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and is a Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. He currently treats patients at our Crestline clinic. 

1. How long have you worked for TherapySouth? 

Three years, but I have been a PT for eight years in total. 

2. Why PT/OT?  

I loved doing PT after I tore my ACL in high school but didn’t want to become one until later in college. I worked for an awesome physical therapist who I wanted to become more like. I also loved seeing the improvement that patients made throughout their care. 

3. Describe for me your role as a Senior Clinical Specialist. What differentiates it from a Staff Physical Therapist?  

I think the overall goal of the SCS is to help elevate the clinical excellence of TherapySouth. We have so many great therapists and it takes vision to maintain the quality as we grow as a company. 

4. What is your favorite part of the role or what are you most looking forward to?  

I love the community aspect of building relationships with our PTs, physicians, and other healthcare providers. Maximizing patient outcomes is a vital part of our profession.

To learn more about Stephen, click here.



Overall, the Senior Clinical Specialist role looks different for each therapist. While we see an increased level of responsibilities, the therapists are advanced with further opportunities within the areas they are interested in pursuing. TherapySouth values championing our staff’s continued growth in the profession and providing more paths for leadership.

Interested in learning more about TherapySouth and our services? Visit our website here.
