Paris Smith, PT, DPT

Staff Physical Therapist

Paris enjoys spending her time staying healthy and active through CrossFit and weightlifting, running, and nutrition. She loves traveling with her husband and pups or spending time at the beach!

“I knew when I was in high school that I wanted to be in the healthcare field. When I shadowed a physical therapist, I knew that was the career for me! I fell in love with the genuine connections that physical therapy brought me. I believe that the Lord has placed me in this field to be the physical hands and feet of Jesus, and I can’t believe that I get to serve God’s people every single day through a job that I love!”
Areas of Interest: Pelvic Health, Orthopedics + Sports Rehabilitation, and Health and Wellness

Education and Experience

Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science-Troy University, 2020

Doctor of Physical Therapy- Alabama State University 2023

Herman & Wallace Pelvic Floor Level 1, 2023 Certification