Mackenzie Gooch, PT, DPT

Staff Physical Therapist

Education and Experience:
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)- Doctorate of Physical Therapy 2019

University of South Alabama- Bachelors in Health Science

Dry Needling Certified- Level 1, Trained via Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT)

Specializes in orthopedic and pediatric physical therapy, Practicing Physical Therapist since 2019

Personal Interests:

Mackenzie’s favorite activities include spending all her time raising her children, singing sporadically throughout the day, and debating favorite reality tv shows.

“My passion for physical therapy deepened when helping my parents on the mission field in Kenya, Africa. I witnessed a 5 year old boy walk for the first time after physical therapy taught him how to ambulate with his malformed tibia. It was inspiring to see someone’s life change exponentially because of PT.”